Before & After Gallery

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

Individual results may vary.

Abdominoplasty, Lipo, and Arm Lift-Dr.Tucker

Case ID: 3490

Before and After Images
Before Image: Abdominoplasty, Lipo, and Arm Lift-Dr.Tucker - front
After Image: Abdominoplasty, Lipo, and Arm Lift-Dr.Tucker - front
Abdominoplasty, Lipo, and Arm Lift-Dr.Tucker
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This woman in her early sixties had major weight loss following her gastric bypass surgery and was left with loose skin around her abdomen and arms. She brought her concerns to Dr.Tucker and together they decided an abdominoplasty, liposuction to the hips and flanks, and a brachioplasty would best address

Abdominoplasty, Lipo, and Arm Lift-Dr.Tucker

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