Mommy Makeover

Motherhood is one of life’s most beautiful gifts, but the process of childbirth and the physical impact of raising kids takes a huge toll on the body.  Being a parent requires immense sacrifice and selflessness, but changing your body to increase self-confidence is one way to caring for yourself.  Being your best self mentally, emotionally, and/or physically can help you be the best version of yourself for others. A Mommy-Makeover is a combination of cosmetic and surgical procedures tailored to each woman’s body to counter act the changes made by childrearing.

A Mommy-Makeover is not exclusive to mothers, but is a catchy term used to describe the combination of full body surgery.  Lots of women regardless of age or children choose to have a mommy makeover to bring the internal youthful spirit to the surface level. The most common surgeries are liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation or reduction, breast lift, and butt lift. While under anesthesia, you could opt to address loose arm or neck skin as well.

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What should I expect during my mommy makeover procedure?

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) tightens loosened core muscles and excess skin to target the well-known belly-roll.  Liposuction removes fat and tissue which helps you better fit into your clothes or even drop a size.  Depending on your body goals and whether you have breastfed will determine whether a breast augmentation, reduction, or lift combination is right for you.  Lastly, some women wish to address sagging arms also known as “bat wings” which is toned through a procedure called a brachioplasty.

Less invasive injectables such as fillers to plump cheeks and lips are a simple addition to the major rejuvenation procedure. Alternatively, injectables like Botox smooth out fine lines and wrinkles giving you that barely-there youthful glow along with your newfound body confidence.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

The best candidates for a Mommy-Makeover are those close to their goal weight, living a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise, and do not intend on having more children. While a Mommy-Makeover can provide dramatic results emotionally, mentally, and in body shape and size, but because tissue and fat are not very heavy substances, you’ll drop dress sizes and few lbs.

What should I expect during my mommy makeover recovery?

he recovery period can range from 6 weeks to a few months depending on your unique procedure.  Compression garments help with swelling, but it is important to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks and you can expect to be out of work for 1-2 weeks.  Results are immediately visible, but it takes about 4-6 weeks for the scars to heal and then you will begin to see the final results.

Learn More

See real patient Before and After Mommy Makeover photos here

or watch some of our Mommy Makeover videos below

For more educational videos check out our video gallery

To schedule an appointment, online consultation or learn more about Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) please Contact Us or call us at  336.768.8483

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