BOTOX® For Men

BOTOX® For Men Overview

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BOTOX® Cosmetic is just as helpful for men as it is for women. In fact, hundreds of thousands of men receive this treatment annually. It is effective at reducing lines and wrinkles all over the face, but the most popular areas of treatment for men are between the eyebrows and across the forehead.

BOTOX® can benefit men by helping them look relaxed and younger, whether you want to look your best for business meetings or social purposes. Even men in their 30s and 40s can have noticeable furrows from smiling, frowning and other facial movements. These lines can make you look older, sad, angry or tired.

Quick, safe and effective, BOTOX® reduces facial lines and wrinkles for up to six months with no downtime and little to no discomfort. Through a series of tiny injections, treatments can not only prevent these lines from deepening, they can also erase these marks of aging, leaving you looking refreshed.

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How Does BOTOX® Work?

Small quantities of a purified protein injected into the facial tissue block the contraction of muscles smoothing overall skin texture. The body metabolizes the protein over 3-4 months and afterwards your skin will gradually return to its previous condition unless maintained. BOTOX® has been FDA approved for over 20 years and is used outside of cosmetic purposes such as migraine prevention.

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Check out real male patient results here

To schedule an appointment, online consultation or learn more about BOTOX® for Men please Contact Us or call us at 336.768.8483

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