Injectables: Overview
When you smile, laugh, frown, or look puzzled, you contract the muscles of your face. Over time, these contractions produce permanent furrows and deep wrinkles in the skin, especially around the eyes and mouth, between the eyebrows, and on the forehead. These lines can make you look older, sad, angry or tired. Soft tissue fillers can not only prevent you from deepening these lines during natural facial movements, they can also erase these marks of aging, leaving you looking younger and refreshed.
Injectables are FDA-approved and safe for use by most patients. Many of the fillers are made from substances found naturally in the body, or synthetically made to mimic natural substances or stimulate collagen production. These fillers directly injected into the skin restore volume and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. At Salem Plastic Surgery we offer patients several different options in order to provide the best possible results for their individual needs. Injectables come in a wide range of dissolution times, meaning, if you have never used fillers before you can see if they are right for you by choosing a filler that needs 2-3 month maintenance. If you are more experienced, or know exactly what you want, there are fillers that last 6 months and up.
To learn more about the soft tissue fillers available at our practice, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.