Chemical Peels

What Is A Chemical Peel?

An alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) peel is the most common and gentlest type of chemical peel that rejuvenates the skin by peeling away layers of old, sun-damaged cells on the surface of the skin. Chemical peels are ideal for patients who want to fight the signs of aging, including fine lines, age spots and dry spots.

What Should I Expect During An Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peel?

An AHA peel uses glycolic, lactic or fruit acid, depending on the patient’s individual skin condition and desired results. First, your practitioner will clean your skin and then apply the peel solution to remove layers of dead and damaged skin which encourages the growth of new, healthy skin cells. This procedure takes less than 20 minutes with minimal downtime, making it ideal for patients who cannot take much time off from work. Patients can usually achieve their desired results after a short series of peels performed, in anywhere from one to four week intervals. An AHA peel can also be combined with other procedures, such as a facelift, for maximum results.

What Should I Expect After My Chemical Peel?

Pinkness and peeling for a few days after the peel is normal, but you can conceal these side effects with moisturizer and makeup. It is important to listen to your provider take the proper precautions after a peel such as using moisturizer and SPF. Results differ depending on the strength of the chemical peel, and its best to avoid scratching or touching the new skin. The stronger the peel, the more skin resurfaced, thus more dramatic results.

Learn More

To schedule an appointment, online consultation or learn more about Chemical Peels please Contact Us or call us at 336.768.8483

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